Assignment 4
Each student is required to form groups of 4 people in a group. Each group required to answer the set of past questions. Each group assigned with one set of questions. (Please refer Table 1.1). Your answer must be specific and accurate. Mark will be deducted for any late submission.
Table 1.1:
1 JANUARY 2010
2 JULY 2009
3 JANUARY 2009
4 JULY 2008
5 JANUARY 2008
6 JULY 2007
7 JANUARI 2007
Your mark will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
a. Accuracy -50%
b. Text presentation (Spelling, paragraph, margin, template, header & footer, etc.) – 20%
c. Table of content – 10%
d. Reference – 10%
e. Tidiness – 10%
Please submit on your assignment on ( 1st October 2010 – Friday): Week 13